Also, I had a conversation with a new Ultra Dealer this week explaining the difference in Rail Ends (a.k.a. Wall Mounts/Column Mounts) for Signature Railing regarding the whole "Tab" vs. "No Tab" issue and I thought I would share this image with you.

Also, just to see who is reading this and paying attention, The first Ultra Dealer that comments on this posting will receive a free notching tool for doing so. Please see picture below to see what I am talking about giving away ($200 value).

**Ben do not apply a comment to win this, I will explain why via phone call....
Yeah! That looks very helpful.
Can't win though :(
Never wins to have the name Ben.
Shannion says
"Great Blog" I send everyone to Ultrafence.com
outdoor riding area--120x96, but it's the chains. After reading the comments, though, it makes me a little nervous. We've always used panels and never had an accident, but I can see where you could!electric gates
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