Strength, Beauty, Longevity and Architectural Appeal are just a few of the attributes of our American Made, heat-treated aluminum alloys. With TGIC-Polyester Powder Coating in nine standard colors and the willingness to make custom colors and textures, the potential is nothing short of Amazing.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
FenceTalk Radio - Episode 2
Interviewing yours truly....
This is a first for me and I hope it goes well tomorrow.
I am starting the day early to help one of my dealers install
their first Revolution Concealed Gate Operator.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
How to Break Down Your Materials List for Ultra Fence 101
Ordering your own Ultra aluminum fence to install or have your crew install is sometimes cumbersome and confusing. Here, we break it down into smaller units to give you a better idea of how to calculate the proper amount of fence panels, posts and gates, so you can install Ultra aluminum fence without making mistakes.
1-We breakdown the overall example layout listed above, into smaller linear runs, like from point A to point B, and point B to point C and so on. In the example layout, we start at point A with an End Post 2-3" away from the house and go away from the house 10' to point B which is a Gate Post. In this first 'run', we have 10' of fence, which divided by 6' (the width of the panels) equates to 1.67 (At Ultra we offer 5' wide panels, so you can order what you need,) panels which is rounded up to 2 because the panels are only shipped in 6' widths (this is true for our competitors). Because there are 2 panels, we will have only 1 Line Post. Line posts quantities are equal to the number of panels minus 1. So in this first run from A to B, you will have:
- 1 End Post
- 2 Fence Panels
- 1 Line Post
- 1 Gate Post (these are typically just like End Posts but with a thicker wall. Point K is going to be a Blank Gate Post) Also, all posts come with a flattened pyramid cap standard. You may wish to upgrade to a ball cap.
- 4 Wide Gate
- Gates include self closing hinges and Z-Lock Lockable Latch and can be upgraded to heavier U-framing or to an Arch Gate or both.
- 1 Gate Post
- 1 Line Post
- 1 Corner Post
- 2 Fence Panels These panels can be installed in widths of 6' with the other panel cut down to 3' wide or both panels can be cut down to 4.5' to give a more even look. The same is true for the first section of 10'. It could be 6' wide and 4' wide or both cut to 5' wide. Not many, if any, of these runs will work out to be an exact measurement divisible by 6', so some cutting of the panels will be required during the installation process. When thinking about your breakdown consider this, fewer cuts and notches made in the field make for a better looking, more profitable job. So by using Ultra's 4', 5', 6' in RS and 7' and even 8' wide panels on CS and IS Grades, you have no need to have to make these cuts.
- 6 Line Posts
- 1 Corner Post
- 7 Fence Panels 6 of these panels can be used without any cutting of the panels, but the last one will need to be cut down to 4' wide.
- 6 Line Posts
- 1 Gate Post
- 7 Fence Panels
- 1 Gate Post
- 3' Wide Gate gates include self closing hinges and Z-Lock Lockable Latch and can be upgraded to heavier framing or to an Arch Gate.
8- This last run, J to K is a 10' wide double gate. It can be two standard gates or two Arches next to one another or one big Arch across the whole width. Also, as mentioned previously, the final Gate Post should be Blank which means it has no holes for fence rails to slide into like the End, Line and Corner Posts have. In this final run you would have:
- 1 Blank Gate Post (the other Gate Post would have been included in the previous run)
- 10' Wide Double Gate gates include self closing hinges and Z-Lock Lockable Latch and can be upgraded to heavier framing, Arched Gates or a one arch Gate.
- Drop Rod Assembly
Think about these details before you choose to order that material made from who knows where or assembled in Florida, New Jersey or Oklahoma made from Chinese extrusions.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Only People with Electric Gates and Fences have a legally protected zone of privacy around their homes
That is the bizarre - and scary - rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the government can monitor you in this way virtually anytime it wants - with no need for a search warrant. (See a TIME photoessay on Cannabis Culture.)
It is a dangerous decision - one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. It is particularly offensive because the judges added insult to injury with some shocking class bias: the little personal privacy that still exists, the court suggested, should belong mainly to the rich.
This case began in 2007, when Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents decided to monitor Juan Pineda-Moreno, an Oregon resident who they suspected was growing marijuana. They snuck onto his property in the middle of the night and found his Jeep in his driveway, a few feet from his trailer home. Then they attached a GPS tracking device to the vehicle's underside.
After Pineda-Moreno challenged the DEA's actions, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled in January that it was all perfectly legal. More disturbingly, a larger group of judges on the circuit, who were subsequently asked to reconsider the ruling, decided this month to let it stand. (Pineda-Moreno has pleaded guilty conditionally to conspiracy to manufacture marijuana and manufacturing marijuana while appealing the denial of his motion to suppress evidence obtained with the help of GPS.)
In fact, the government violated Pineda-Moreno's privacy rights in two different ways. For starters, the invasion of his driveway was wrong. The courts have long held that people have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their homes and in the "curtilage," a fancy legal term for the area around the home. The government's intrusion on property just a few feet away was clearly in this zone of privacy.
The judges veered into offensiveness when they explained why Pineda-Moreno's driveway was not private. It was open to strangers, they said, such as delivery people and neighborhood children, who could wander across it uninvited. (See the misadventures of the CIA.)
Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who dissented from this month's decision refusing to reconsider the case, pointed out whose homes are not open to strangers: rich people's. "The court's ruling", he said, "means that people who protect their homes with electric gates, fences and security booths have a large protected zone of privacy around their homes. People who cannot afford such barriers have to put up with the government sneaking around at night."
Judge Kozinski is a leading conservative, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, but in his dissent he came across as a raging liberal. "There's been much talk about diversity on the bench, but there's one kind of diversity that doesn't exist," he wrote. "No truly poor people are appointed as federal judges, or as state judges for that matter." The judges in the majority, he charged, were guilty of "cultural elitism." (Read about one man's efforts to escape the surveillance state.)
The court went on to make a second terrible decision about privacy: that once a GPS device has been planted, the government is free to use it to track people without getting a warrant. There is a major battle under way in the federal and state courts over this issue, and the stakes are high. After all, if government agents can track people with secretly planted GPS devices virtually anytime they want, without having to go to a court for a warrant, we are one step closer to a classic police state - with technology taking on the role of the KGB or the East German Stasi.
Fortunately, other courts are coming to a different conclusion from the Ninth Circuit's - including the influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. That court ruled, also this month, that tracking for an extended period of time with GPS is an invasion of privacy that requires a warrant. The issue is likely to end up in the Supreme Court.
In these highly partisan times, GPS monitoring is a subject that has both conservatives and liberals worried. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit's pro-privacy ruling was unanimous - decided by judges appointed by Presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. (Comment on this story.)
Plenty of liberals have objected to this kind of spying, but it is the conservative Chief Judge Kozinski who has done so most passionately. "1984 may have come a bit later than predicted, but it's here at last," he lamented in his dissent. And invoking Orwell's totalitarian dystopia where privacy is essentially nonexistent, he warned: "Some day, soon, we may wake up and find we're living in Oceania."
Cohen, a lawyer, is a former TIME writer and a former member of the New York Times editorial board.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Automatic Gates that are Ultra Easy
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Finally, stimulus for the real tax-payers, the American Homeowner!
Our Federal Government is allowing a Tax Credit for the purchase of solar powered systems at their home, here are the details I have right now:
The customer will need a manufacturer’s certification for credit to submit with their taxes.
“US Federal Government is offering financial incentives to homeowners for the use of solar powered systems at their home. Homeowners are able to apply for a Federal Tax credit equal to 30 percent off the installed cost of their solar powered gate operator system.”
What’s covered:
The solar system tax credit applies to the total installed cost of the solar gate opener system. This includes the related solar panel, opener, access control device, remote controls, obstruction detection device’s, etc.
Typical Ultra Revolution™ Concealed Gate Openers Pricing : $2195 for a double drive gate kit which includes control box, transformer, 12 volt DC battery, low-voltage wire, two key-chain remotes, power slide bolt, solar panel with mounting bracket, wireless keypad.
By the time you add labor and profit it should easily equate to around a $1000 or more in savings to your customers, which in turn should make the gate operator combination anywhere from 1/3 to 1/5 less expensive....What’s not covered:
The cost of the gate itself, or work required to place the physical gate into proper working order (leveling the gate, replacing hinges, etc)
Effective for tax years beginning after December 2008.
Customer needs The Federal Tax Credit form 5695, Residential Energy Efficiency Property Credit.
The offer is only available in the US. The dwelling must be located in the United States and be used as a residence by the taxpayer.
*See your Ultra Dealer for more details and consult your tax professional to see if you qualify for this tax credit.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
As Green as Green can BE
the last few years. However these terms have people wondering what green really means.
Does it mean savings for both yourself and the environment? Is a green product really
better than its non-green counterpart? Does green really make sense in this situation?
When it comes to aluminum, which semi-custom driveway gates are all
made from, the answer to all those questions is a resounding YES!
First, is the best part: the savings. Aluminum is a much less
expensive option than steel, but why it is less expensive is
what also makes it green. Aluminum is one of those few
cutting edge materials referred to as C2C (cradle-to-cradle);
this means at the end of its life as one product it is born again
as another product. Aluminum can be recycled over and over
without degrading or losing any of its innate characteristics.
Virtually 100% of the internal scrap of our aluminum
producers is reprocessed and converted into a usable raw
material source for the extruded aluminum used in our gates.
No waste is a key for cost control and environmental
protection; and at the same time we are saving energy doing
*Recycled aluminum takes only 5% of the energy necessary to produce virgin aluminum.
Aluminum, a green product, is a better choice than steel because of its long life, structural
strength and corrosion resistance. These factors are making aluminum the preferred
material choice of forward-thinking designers, engineers, material specifiers and other
throughout the world. One key factor that makes aluminum an environmentally better
choice than steel is the fact that steel has to be galvanized in order to withstand outdoor
conditions -
aluminum does not get galvanized like steel does.
The galvanization process has been linked world wide to
environmental hazards. Although controls have been put in
place in most modernized countries to curb this effect,
those controls cost money to the supplier - so if you find a
low priced steel gate most likely it is galvanized
somewhere the controls are not implemented because low
price of galvanized steel and environmentally responsible
galvanization of steel are generally opposites. One of the
main issues with galvanization is the waste water run off.
During the galvanizing process, steel undergoes a pickling
process. The pickling process involves immersing product
material through a series of tanks to clean and prepare the material
prior to immersion in a molten zinc bath. Two major sources of
waste water are generated from the galvanizing process: waste acid
and acidic rinse water. Waste acid is generated as a result of a
build up of iron and other impurities in the acid which greatly
reduces its effectiveness for pickling. The acid must be disposed of
properly which takes up landfill space - if it is not disposed of
properly it causes environmental damage. Acid rinse waters from
the galvanizing process are acidic and contain low metals. This
water is in the same situation as the acid - even if disposed of to a
treatment plant still produces a sludge that has to be deposited in
landfills. Lastly, zinc is used in the galvanization process.
Zinc processing produces air emissions and solid waste emissions.
The emissions include particulates, zinc fumes,
volatile metals, flux fumes and smoke, rubber, plastics and zinc scrap.
For your future driveway gate - green really does make sense, for both
you and the environment:
• Our aluminum suppliers comply with the LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System created by the U.S. Green
Building Council. This is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for
developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.
• Aluminum is one of earth's most plentiful recyclables: saving money, energy, and
landfill space.
• The future value of having an aluminum gate vs. steel gate has yet to be seen in its
totality. The U.S. Green Building Council, citing McGraw-Hill Construction's
Green Outlook 2009 report predicts that by 2013 the overall green building
market could more than double. Using green products in your current home
additions will reflect on the future green value of your home as it increases in
importance for sustainability.
• Aluminum makes a gate that will stand the test of time; it is trusted everywhere in
major building projects. In Chicago more than one million pounds of aluminum
were used in the construction of the 111 S. Wacker Drive building in Chicago's
Loop. This includes in the building's unitizing curtainwall system, façade,
structural components, and elevator cab framing.
Your source for American made aluminum driveway gates:
Ultra Aluminum Mfg., Inc:, 1-800-656-4420
For Commercial or Industrial Gates consider :

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Awesome Ultra Signature Railing

Not a lot of writing tonight. I will just let the pictures tell the story.
As much as I can......
Ultra can do custom sized panels with your orders. We don't even charge extra for them, just the next size up in panel size.
That is Mass Customization.
That is what has made
True American Made Products stand out
for years as superior.
That is what you get with Ultra....
Combining Ultra Signature with Trex Decking
and being a little creative, we can solve people's desire to have a low-maintenance Green railing-
(with an 80% recycled aluminum product)
that works well with composite decking-
(made from at least 50% recycled wood)
We can even combine them with special brackets to create a drink ledge that helps with entertaining, without obscuring your million dollar view.
We have braided Ultra-Tec Cable in S.S. as well.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Installation Video for Revolution Gate System
You may be thinking, "It can't be that easy", well those are the basics. It is THAT Easy, some would even say it is Ultra Easy!
In future upcoming videos we will show more advanced features like installing gates with power slide bolts, Magnetic locks, Solar Panels, programming wireless keypads, attaching added safety devices like photo beams and contact strips. We will even get into exit wands and loop detectors. Anything that can be done with the "old-fashioned" linear arm actuated gate operators can be done with ours, it is just a lot easier to install, uses a fraction of the energy and is infinitely more reliable by design.
Keep checking in at Ultra easy blog and remember you can easily subscribe by clicking FOLLOW in the upper left corner of the top of the blog header or via any web reader, RSS feed or by using Google Buzz if you are a Gmail user.
And please help me out by rating my videos and by making comments so I will know more about what you are interested in. Please take time to fill in the form below....
Friday, April 30, 2010
May is the Roll-Out Month for Revolution
Ultra Revolution
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
New Drawing Tool Available from Google Docs makes Selling Ultra Easier and More Profitable
Plus with Google Sites, you can create your own up-to-date, fresh website. And best of all, it works with Picasa, blogger, Web Albums, YouTube, Google Docs and more...seamlessly. And it is FREE!!
Now, just this week, Google has announced and release Google Drawings. I will let you see some examples of the first few drawings that I have made to help generate sales and eliminate confusion for my Ultra Dealers. If you are not an Ultra Dealer already, but are thinking about it, you have to ask yourself- "What has my ornamental vendor ever done for me to generate sales and to streamline the efficiency and profitability of selling their products?"
This was my first drawing for a new prospect in Texas....took all of 10 minute. Cool...Right?
This drawing took all of 8 minutes. Just imagine how this can increase sales and eliminate confusion for customers, vendors (us) and for your installation crew. And the drawing times will get shorter with practice and the details will get better. You can even upload a photo and then draw over it for real "Live View" with detail overlay as to "what will be built where".
Great technology out there. And good new is that it is all FREE. Plus if you are an Ultra Dealer or want to become one. we can probably help you all along the way.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Louisiana is on FIRE !!!
I mean it is Full-Throttle Active from consumers asking for Ultra's products.
I make a choice as to how it should be handled.
Usually I forward it to an existing Ultra Dealer. Sometimes I have to share it with multiple dealers, depending on the scale of the project.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Using Every Tools Available to Bring in New Business

I am using LinkenIn to get in touch with Architects, Specifiers, Project Managers, Progressive Fence Contractors and Green Business Consultants. So far it has been a GREAT tool and has generated leads, sales and the ability to introduce some of Ultra's newest products to a wide array of people.
Just the other day, after posting a short video about Revolution Concealed Gate Operators in my and sharing it with several groups, it caught the eye of a project manager in Phoenix, AZ. This generated a quote request in less than one hour and will most likely turn into a sale for a company called "Green Business Solutions" .
Here is the post I made: Not only is this gate operator up to 20 times more efficient, It takes advantage of being built-into gate frames of al…
Darrin Jones
- Location
- Decatur, Alabama Area
- Industry
- Building Materials
- Current
- Regional Sales Manager at Ultra Aluminum Mfg. Inc.
- Past
- Education
- University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Recommendations
- 2 people have recommended Darrin
- Connections
- 71 connections
- Websites
- Public Profile
Just another tool to use to get in touch with the people that can bring in more business opportunities for my Ultra Dealers. It is also a great way to stay in touch with those dealers via updates and
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Great Sales Story about Revolution Gates
He is their sales rep in the Great State of Texas. Of course most of you know that Turnstyle makes
the motors and control boards for our Revolution™ Gate System and is there to support us and help in the certification process of our Ultra Dealers. Gary told me some very interesting facts today and I asked his permission to quote him here. Of course he said "Yes" or I wouldn't be reporting this in this blog.
Gary said " That he was in the access control business for over 20 years and was browsing the Web one night when he saw a banner ad for Turnstyle Enterprises." He told me that "he watched every video they had online that very night (and they have a bunch, here are some links) and decided to order one."
When he received his first operator he "tore it down to the nuts and bolts, then reassembled it" then he "put it on a steel farm gate at a friend's house and set it to open and close once every thirty minutes and left it that way for two weeks". When he came back after two weeks it was still working like a charm and he decided that these motors had passed his rigorous first and second stage evaluation. He is now selling these operators in Louisiana and Texas, and that original gate is still working.
Another story Gary told me is sure to become that of Sales Legend, at least in the Fence and Access Control Industry. Just remember that you heard it here first:
Gary had a set of gates set-up with the operator motors on a portable display unit mounted to a Reese Hitch on his truck. (side note I came up with the same idea independently, but found out later that he had already done it.) He was cruising down the Interstate at 75 MPH when a guy cruising pulled along side and asked him how the gate opens...not skipping a beat or taking his vehicle off cruise control, Gary opened and closed the gate !!! The guy pulled back alongside Gary (again at 75 MPH) and said he was running late for an appointment and shouted out his name and telephone number. A few weeks later, Gary had sold this guy two gate operators. The customer said "If those operators can work at 75 mph, then they will definitely work for me".
I know that is an amazing story, but we are talking about an amazing product here. I will ask Gary to send me a picture of his truck with the operator on it, maybe even a short video. When I get it I will post it here by this amazing story.....
Until Later...keep checking back and follow the amazing innovation that is going on at Ultra and keep on selling !!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Doing a Home and Garden Show Right !!!

Every once in a while the best laid plans come together, and then there are times when they come together and work better than ever anticipated. That was the case for the Home and Garden Show in Huntsville, Alabama this past week and one of our newest dealers - Fence Crafters Inc.
It has been my pleasure to work many a home show, county fair, boat show anywhere there are a lot of folks to show what we have to offer from Ultra. And this time, I am not sure if it was the new products, the way we displayed them, the timing, the location, the weather, the economy or what, but I have to say this was the absolute best home show ever.
We were mobbed by people with big diamonds, Rolexes and Polo sweaters. They literally couldn't wait to get in the queue to get an estimate to buy an Ultra Fence, a Revolution Gate or some Signature Railing. That day was sure to come. What do they say "Keep adding Value and the Success is sure to follow." Well, these prospective customers were in rare form and seemed ready to buy. I figured part of the effect was caused by the balanced display that we had. It had a new "Water Fall" Display with Defender and other Hi-End CS and ISP Grade Fences with New Finishes. We had photos from several beautiful job-sites, we had a big screen sharp video of Revolution Concealed Gate Operators on Estate Gates, and then a podium with a slot on top to drop in lead request sheet.
It is my opinion that the success of this show was due in great part to a calming of economic fears that made 2009 one of the most challenging in the Fence and Construction Industries' History. But all that pent-up money and desire to buy just broke loose with a fury. Now Fence Crafters has it's work cut out for it in following up on the more than 100 solid leads that they got over the weekend.
There will be a follow-up story on this in about six weeks to track how many leads were ran and how many jobs were sold directly from this one event. I asked Mr. Johnny Marshall if he wouldn't mind sharing those statistics to help other Ultra Dealers decide whether doing a Home Show can pay off for them. He said - "After all the help you were to me over the weekend, I will be happy to share that information!"
Another Ultra Dealer attended the Show from nearby Chattanooga, Ben Wilbur of Dignified Outside was there and was amazed at the response we were receiving at the time. He said "I am sure I will do one of these shows next year, maybe even in the Fall...." And I am sure he will.
To me, I think this is one of the best ways to get our name out there and to share with the public all the exciting things coming from Ultra Aluminum Mfg., Inc.
Until next time....
Thursday, March 4, 2010
History of Ultra
Why Ultra?
The love affair with ornamental fencing began hundreds of years before Ultra was started. Metal fence was beautiful, majestic, and made from a material that was destined to rust and crumble—iron.

Along comes Ultra Aluminum and their concept for architecturally appealing fence that would withstand the tortures of weather, pollution, chemicals and savage environments.

Ultra started with humble beginnings in 1996 and a desire to replicate the intricate details of historic ornamental iron fences, only using materials that would end up being stronger, and stand up to the torturous variations of the environment with long lasting durability. At Ultra, we push everything to the edge, and choose our materials and components in support of that quest.
The timeline below outlines that evolution and amazing growth of Ultra Aluminum, from our beginnings in a small garage, to the state-of-the-art 85,000 square foot manufacturing facility we operate out of today. We started as a small company based on amazing customer service, and despite our amazing growth, we still work hard to replicate.
The Ultra Timeline
Click to View
We're Environmentally Responsible Made in the U.S.A.

Ultra is proud to only use American made components in all its products.
Always look for the Made In The USA label when deciding which fence products to use.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Logos of New Ultra Products and a few Tips

Also, I had a conversation with a new Ultra Dealer this week explaining the difference in Rail Ends (a.k.a. Wall Mounts/Column Mounts) for Signature Railing regarding the whole "Tab" vs. "No Tab" issue and I thought I would share this image with you.

Also, just to see who is reading this and paying attention, The first Ultra Dealer that comments on this posting will receive a free notching tool for doing so. Please see picture below to see what I am talking about giving away ($200 value).

**Ben do not apply a comment to win this, I will explain why via phone call....
Friday, February 26, 2010

With our Defender TM Picket fencing 7' or higher, you can add even more security. Notice how the pickets are very close to the posts, so when viewed from a distance, there is uniformity to the spacing. This would be the perfect product for a bank, a hospital, airport or any municipal or industrial project. The Defender was designed to offer not only the appearance of higher security, but a truly higher level of security. One thing we can all agree on, in this rapidly changing world, we will always need to secure and defend the things that are most important to us, more so now than ever.
Need security? Check out the specs on our Defender TM security fence with angled spear top pickets?
Angled, pressed spear style is the ultimate in security. Spear tops face outward at 51 degree angle. Available in both our Industrial Series and Industrial Series Premium grades, premium grades have a reinforced double-wall rail with hidden fasteners.
Standard Sections are 6' wide x 7', 8', 9', or 10' high. Sections come fully assembled. Custom widths or heights -- 7’, 8', 9', 10', 11', and 12'-- are available.
Spacing Between Pickets: standard 3-5/8" and optional 1-1/2"
Fasteners: Stainless steel
Horizontal Rails: 1-5/8'' x 1-5/8'' with .100 side walls and .070 top walls
Posts: 2-1/2" square x .100 wall; 3" square x .125 wall; 4" square x .125 wall (blanks). All posts include standard caps.
Alloy: High-strength Ultrum TM 6005-T5 alloy, min. strength 35,000 PSI
Finish: Powercoat TM. When applied, Powercoat is twice the thickness and hardness of a typical acrylic, baked enamel or "wet paint" finish, making it more durable, fade-resistant and scratch-resistant than other coatings.
Design Studio at
Click to Start
Imagine how much easier it is to sell that fencing or railing job to that customer when they can see all their options on style, accessories and colors. With our Design Studio they can see it!
Welcome to the Ultra Design Studio
We make it easy to visualize the dramatic difference Ultra ornamental fencing and railing can make to your home.
Choose from our wide selection of styles, select a front or back yard setting, then accessorize with colors, post caps, picket tops and other designer accents.
We made these tools to help your customers and in the future, who knows, we may even add the ability for you (or the customer) to upload a picture of their house, patio or deck area to our website and then see their choice of fence or railing at their own home. Maybe the ascertive salesperson can even use this tool to printout the picture to put with the quote/proposal/contract....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Revolution by Ultra
Please contact your Ultra Rep or give me a shout at
Fence Tech 2010 Ultra Introduces New Products
The set of Estate Gates had "Art Medallions" that were plasma cut and is now a standard offering of Ultra. This along with the biggest and best of show news, was Revolution Gate Systems by Ultra. These new gates can be ordered with the operator motor already installed in a sleek, attractive aluminum housing that is powder-coated to match the gate and is seamless with the frame. It has the ability to do things that other operators cannot do and will require many more posts to do it all justice. (no pun intended)..
But for now, with no further delay I will share a short one minute clip from Fence Tech 2010 for those of you that were not able to attend. Or for those who did, but want to see again what all the buzz is about...
Come See Us at Fence Tech 2011 in Las Vegas or check out our products at
Remember to share this blog with your friends on Facebook...
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Ultra's Awesome New Audio Features
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- appropriate (2)
- appropriateness (2)
- automatic gate (1)
- automatic gate Ultra estate gate (3)
- automatic gate ultra estate gate driveway (3)
- automatic gates (9)
- beautiful (4)
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- Cheap Gate Ornamental (2)
- Chinese Aluminum (1)
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- Columns (1)
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- cutting technology (1)
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- Defender Fence Ultra Security Strong (2)
- desert television celebrity (1)
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- gates (7)
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- glass railing canada deck rail (1)
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- gusset brace (1)
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- how to install automatic gates (2)
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- Made in U.S.A. (2)
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- Maintenance Painting Rust Steel Aluminum (1)
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- Rack and Pinion Gate Operators (1)
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- Revolution (4)
- Sales Tools (6)
- Slide Gate Operator (1)
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- strong and beautiful (1)
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- Darrin Jones
- Regional Sales Manager for Ultra Aluminum in the South West Region. Of course I am willing to help Ultra Dealers and customers wherever they are. I grew up in the fence industry, a second generation fence guy. Also during the 90's I ran my own Deck Company.