This is a fantastic, common sense explanation of why folks should Buy American Made products, real 100% American Made Products. At Ultra Aluminum Mfg., Inc. in Howell, MI. we manufacture fencing, gates, railing and use American Extrusions, shipped, assembled, powder coated and packaged by Americans for Americans to install and enjoy for decades to come...( Check this 15 min. video out

If the government won't help, then the people must do it themselves. Let's say 300,000,000 Americans each simply reallocated 1 dollar per day, spending 1 dollar less on foreign-made goods, 1 dollar more on American-made goods. (That's $30 per month, per person, and it is not an extra $30 per month, but just where you spend it!) After a year, this would add up to $109,500,000,000. What could the real, productive American economy do with an extra $109.5 billion? How about 2,737,500 new jobs paying $40,000 per year?
It seems bizarre that most Americans are so blind to the problem and the obvious solution.
"Americans losing jobs, a suffering economy, bad consequences for the U.S.'s future and the exploitation of disadvantaged countries are all serious problems that stem from deindustrialization. By purchasing from corporations who practice deindustrialization one is adding to and approving of the problem. Think of the proposal, Americans should buy American made products, it makes sense to act upon it. The only way to change or prevent this is to not support multinational companies and to buy American made goods." - More: Why Buy American? - by Laura Ramos - E306 Rhetoric and Composition - University of Texas at Austin
Buy American: Not a New Approach
The U.S., like most countries, has long protected certain domestic economic sectors. Nations legitimately protect certain industries for national security reasons. Other procurement preferences often define permissible suppliers for government-funded projects. In the U.S., examples include the "Buy American Act" for certain U.S. government procurements and construction projects, the "Buy America" law mainly for federal transit grants to states and localities, and the "Berry Amendment" for some Department of Defense purchases. The ARRA Buy American provision is broader than other U.S. procurement restrictions in some respects, but narrower than the public debate might imply. READ MORE: (Read the PDF)
The greed of us all wanting lower prices is also cutting our own throats in the process.
The government and businesses, as well as the consumer has forgotten what made this country the greatest in history.
To just flush it all away, and end up just another poor socialist country is a tremendous waste of our divinely inspired founding fathers vision, and the lives of all those that fought and died to keep us a free nation and a great Republic.